Reclaiming Ancient Wisdom
Cultural appropriation is something we have been learning a lot about over the years - especially in relation to the adoption of ancient cultural practises with the intention to profit from them. When I first learnt about vaginal/yoni/pelvic steaming I felt a deep resonance in my body. So I began this practise.
Myth Busting - Yoni Steaming
When it comes to Pelvic Steaming, there are several myths out there! The aim of this Blog post is to take a look at a few of the main ones and examine them a little more closely. The first and perhaps most common myth is the idea that steaming is pointless because “The vagina is self-cleansing”. Firstly, yes, The vagina and uterus are both self-cleansing organs.
Can steaming help with Endometriosis?
Yes! Well, many people believe steaming has helped their condition. A recent case study (will share the link below) suggests that steaming might reduce the regrowth of Endo in those who have previously had laparoscopic surgery. This case study also showed that steaming along with other traditional Korean medicine not only prevented endo regrowth but also reduced menstrual pain and lengthened the cycle. Abstract below xx
Our Vision
Our vision @rosewombsteaming is to offer both a product and a service that is steeped in reclamation. A reclamation of allowing our inner guidance systems to lead the way in our health and healing. A reclamation of intuition, knowing, herbalism and the old ways. Pelvic steaming has been around for a very long time, as has the use of plant medicine. Here at Rose Womb Steaming we know all to well the power of plants and we want to share this practise far and wide. We truly believe in the healing potential of vaginal / yoni/ pelvic steaming. We have both been witness to its countless uses and benefits as well as experienced them first-hand ourselves.
What is Pelvic Steaming?
Pelvic steaming is often referred to as Yoni Steaming however there is evidence to suggest that this practise is and can be beneficial for all bodies, regardless of genitals, depending on the symptoms. Using the terms “Yoni” or “Vaginal” steaming also implies that the steam is limited to accessing these areas only, which is untrue as steam penetrates the whole pelvic area. Thus making the term “Pelvic Steaming” much more accurate when referring to this practise.