Myth Busting - Yoni Steaming
When it comes to Pelvic Steaming, there are several myths out there! The aim of this Blog post is to take a look at a few of the main ones and examine them a little more closely. The first and perhaps most common myth is the idea that steaming is pointless because “The vagina is self-cleansing”. Firstly, yes, The vagina and uterus are both self-cleansing organs.
However, this statement is only true when these parts of the pelvic bowl are functionally both normally and optimally. Most people who menstruate have at one time or another experienced cramping, excessive clotting, painful periods and a whole range of other symptoms which signal that the uterus may need support. While these symptoms are common, they are not considered to be normal. We support other organs and their processes if they need it, so why wouldn’t we do the same for our uterus?
Steaming, along with proper period care, can be so incredibly beneficial in supporting our monthly uterine cleanse!
Another relatively common myth about steaming is that you shouldn’t steam because you “might burn yourself”. Well, yes that is true - you might. But only if you are not careful when combining the herbs with your hot water. Pelvic steaming poses about as much risk as making a pot of tea! (and maybe drinking it in bed).
Of course, you will need to be cautious when making your herbs, and then when you are sitting over them. I recommend using a specifically designed steaming seat to ensure you are a good distance from the herb bowl and also so that you are comfortable for longer periods of time! By the time the steam reaches your body it will have cooled to the perfect temperature to make it enjoyable, with absolutely no chance of burning you.
The third myth I would like to explore is the idea that steaming might disrupt the PH Balance of the Vaginal Flora. While this is *possible* if the incorrect herbs are being used and/or you are not working with a qualified practitioner. However, it is far more likely that steaming in certain situations may actually prevent the need for antibiotics - which we know can definitely cause a disruption to the healthy vaginal flora.
Of course, antibiotics do a wonderful job of killing the bad bacteria, but often they take the good ones with them! If you are having trouble with recurrent BV or other infections such as thrush, it’s highly likely that your flora may already be compromised - check in with a steaming practitioner and see if steaming could be a good fit for you! If you want to learn more about some of the myths around steaming check out this great article from an OBGYN discussing the main arguments against steaming.